Create a new data group and Request and data group

Do some of you know how to create a new data group 

I would like to know how to create a data group using a new ORACLE ID account (not apps) 
I should be able to log on to the application with that new data group 
That data group should work exactly has 'Standard' data group 
I tried the following: 
1.Create the user for the required schema: 
2.Grant connect and resource privileges to the user: 
3.grant privileges on APPS objects to the user. 
4.create synonyms in the user schema for all objects owned by APPS. 

Request and data group

Now let's see the concept of request and data groups. Request group and data group are used while defining a responsibility in Oracle apps.
A request group is attached to a responsibility. It defines the concurrent programs you can execute using the responsibility to which this request group is attached.
The following screenshot shows the data and request group attached to a responsibility:
Request and data group
A request group can be queried; to do this, navigate to System Administrator | Security | Responsibility | Request.
Request and data group

Defining Request Groups

Defining Request Groups

We should recall that request security group are used to restrict and group the concurrent reports and programs that we can run. To create a request security group, you attach a request group to a responsibility. (We can also use the request groups to customize the SRS processing or reports, which we will learn about in the next section.) In this section, we will explore defining request groups. We define request groups through the navigation path
This will take you to the Request groups form.

To create a request group, we would first enter the group (request group name)and the application. We may include requests from any application in our request group, regardless of the application attached to our request group. The application name is for informational purpose only. The group and application are both required, and must be unique across Oracle Applications. Next, we can optionally assign a code to the request group. This code is used for a custom SRS form so that only programs or reports in this request group could be processed by the custom SRS form. The code together with the application module also must be unique. As a last step , we can enter an optional description.

Enter requests that are included in the request groups by selecting the type and the request name. The type can be Application, program, Set or stage function. Application means include all concurrent programs and reports within the application. Program and Set mean a particular concurrent request or a particular request set. Function means a particular concurrent request set stage function. Query up the GL concurrent program Group to see the definition of the request group you utilized for our responsibility.

Custom Role and Responsibility

  • Role:
    • Expert semi-armed organization
    • Responsible for any legal action pertaining to duty levied by the government on any imported and exported goods.
  • Responsibility:
    • Manage, control and levying taxes and fare on any imported and exported goods
    • Curb and prevent any kind of act regarding customs wrongdoings
    • facilitate international trade
Subordinating Department:
  • Secretariat
    • Research, examine, study, report and regularly give advices on important issues to Director General of GDCE;
    • Prepare, compile and maintain necessary documents of Director General of GDCE;
    • Examine all documents; draft of requests, files or other opinions before submitting to the management of GDCE for approval;
    • Prepare and manage internal audit on Customs and Excise Units and perform other missions determined by Director General of GDCE.
  • Department of Administration and Management
    • Prepare, manage customs officers’ issues including statistics, compliance, change or transferal of position, promotion, admiration or punishment, and set up policy relating to salary cadre, supporting fees and other leave fees;
    • Prepare and organize training for customs officers and as well as officers of relevant ministries and private sectors if necessary;
    • Manage the reception and delivery of official documents;
    • In charge of other administration tasks including producing report, evaluating work efficiency and issuing nomination and mission letters;
    • Control statistics of the use of weapons in the unit;
    • Manage duties of GDCE related to finance and accounting issues, participate in determining and examining plan on revenues-expenses and other payments, manage the demands, purchases, distribution and maintenance of equipment and tools and other properties of GDCE;
    • Perform other duties determined by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
  • Department of Planning, Technique and International Affairs
    • Propose reasonable policies related to tax collection procedures, revenue target, and develop master plan and action plans of Customs and Excise Units;
    • Develop, research and participate in supervising the implementation of regulations and policies related to customs tariff; customs valuation on export-import goods, evolution on rules of origin in accordance with the evolution of national economy and international trade including amendment of commodity classification, assessment on the impact of trade facilitations practices, development of methods for analysis and management of customs’ laboratories;
    • Develop and manage the implementation of the plan for development of customs information system especially automation system on customs procedures as well as gathering and maintaining export-import statistic, managing the utilization and maintenance those systems;
    • Investigate and continually amend the customs transaction value list of export-import goods, value of currency and exchange rate in accordance to actual situation as the basis for consideration and decision on work implementation of local customs units;
    • Examine and counsel on customs technical aspects especially on customs valuation, origin and commodity classification and participate in auditing on these above issues as well as settlement of other issues;
    • Perform duties as the international affairs center related to customs sector as a whole;
    • Study and analyze information related to economy and international trade by comparing with data of customs administration of regional and global trading partner countries;
    • Cooperate with World Customs Organization, other customs administrations and other organizations which involve in customs sector;
    • Coordinate and cooperate with relevant units of ministries, government institutions under the framework of economic cooperation and international trade;
    • Participate in supervising and evaluating efficiency of customs operations;
    • Perform other duties determined by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
  • Department of Prevention and Suppression
    • Cooperate in developing policies for investigation and suppression of all kinds of smuggling activities, tax evasion and other violations within customs territory;
    • Appoint intelligent network and special forces for prevention and suppression of all customs frauds and other violations;
    • Store goods under temporarily detention waiting for final decisions from competent organizations and manage those goods according to specific purpose;
    • Nominate operation team for investigation and suppression of smuggling activities by taking action on major targets throughout the country according to the instruction of Director General of GDCE;
    • Serve as the center for cooperation, management, collection and compilation of all information related to goods, individual, transportation mean and all kind of violation tricks from the local and international sources and analyzing and assessing the risk of these information to be used for suppression of tax evasion and smuggling and other kinds of violations against other competent institutions of Cambodia and foreign counterparts;
    • Perform other duties determined by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
  • Department of Legal Affairs; Audit and Public Relation
    • Investigate and counsel on the establishment of customs regulations and other regulations related to customs operations;
    • Examine the implementation of customs regulations and other regulations related to customs operations and amendment of customs regulations;
    • Control and participate in examining the request for establishment of customs bonded warehouse, free zone, customs broker services and similar businesses and investigate the premise of the businesses and services in compliance with provision of laws and contracts in force;
    • Coordinate customs abuses and other disputes by providing opinions in order to provide ruling on customs violations and submit to Director General of GDCE for verification and decision in accordance with provisions of law on customs;
    • Examine and assess, on behalf of public relation unit of GDCE, the complaints from private sector in order to balance between efficiency of implantation of laws and regulations in force and facilitation of international trade;
    • Establish and examine the implementation of risk management plan in order to determine high risk target;
    • Collect, analyze, assess and control information and data from different sources and put into trader credibility management system and risk selectivity criteria management system;
    • Supervise the implementation of inter institutional agreement with other government agents in accordance with trade facilitation through risk management policy;
    • Develop plan and organize the audit on high risk business premises determined by GDCE;
    • Perform other duties determined by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
  • Department of Customs Procedures
    • Participate in policy preparation for managing investment activities and import-export activities done by non-governmental organizations, embassies, government institutions and other persons with preferential Customs procedures;
    • Examine and manage the issuance of import-export permit with preferential Customs procedures determined by the GDCE and investigate and control the consumption of materials and all kinds of exempted goods under specified purposes;
    • Arrange post clearance audit on Customs declaration and attached documents. Make conclusion and take a proper measure if necessary;
    • Perform other duties determined by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
    • Department of Customs Procedures leads by a director and have some deputy-directors as assistant.
  • Department of Excise
    • Propose the duty and tax policy, managing production, importation- exportation, distribution and storage of petroleum products and products subject special taxes determined by the Ministry of Economy and Finance;
    • Set up master plan and action plan for development of excise sector and trade facilitation through each Customs regime of Customs and Excise administration;
    • Manage, control import-export clearance, the collection of duties and taxes, distribution, transportation, movement and storage of petroleum products throughout the country including warehouses or business premises;
    • Manage process of the business premises producing goods bearing special taxes, duty-free shops, postal package clearance determined by the Ministry of Economy and Finance and as well as cooperate with other competent institutions in order to investigate and suppress Customs frauds related to these business operations;
    • Perform other duties determined by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
    • Department of Excise leads by a director and have some deputy-directors as assistant.
  • Department of Free Zone Management
    • Participate in policy preparation for managing the functioning of free zones in the Kingdom of Cambodia especially all Special Economic Zones in accordance with existing laws and regulations, internationally best practices and Kyoto Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures in order to assure the smoothness and quickness of the import-export clearance of goods out of and into the zones;
    • Participate with Cambodian Special Economic Zones Board in examining request for import of equipment, materials and other goods for construction of infrastructure of zone developer;
    • Coordinate for effective participation of competent Customs officers to work permanently with Special Economic Zone Administration in examining and approving on the spot the incentives on import of production equipment, construction materials and other production inputs of investor in the zone;
    • Manage, examine and verify the compliance in implementing duties and tasks of the zone developer and investors during the construction of infrastructure and production premise, and conducting business;
    • Manage and lead directly on the Customs and excise offices to Free Zone or to Special Economic Zone;
    • Perform other duties determined by the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
    • Department of Free Zone Management leads by a director and have some deputy-directors as assistant.

PL/Sql Script to assign responsibilities to Oracle Users

PL/Sql Script to assign responsibilities to Oracle Users

l_user_id NUMBER;

CURSOR cur_rec
FROM fnd_responsibility_vl
WHERE UPPER (responsibility_name) = UPPER ('XXXXX');
SELECT user_id
INTO l_user_id
FROM fnd_user
WHERE user_name = 'XXXX';

FOR rec_cur IN cur_rec
(user_id => l_user_id,
responsibility_id => rec_cur.responsibility_id,
responsibility_application_id => rec_cur.application_id,
security_group_id => 0,
start_date => SYSDATE - 1,
end_date => NULL,
description => NULL

SYSADMIN MODULE How to grant all privileges in Oracle

How to grant all privileges in Oracle

This is a short paper showing how to grant "all privileges" to a user in Oracle and more importantly what privileges are needed to do this. This was a posting I made to one of the newsgroups/mailing lists recently. This is for information only as it is useful to know BUT one important fact that should be highlighted here is that i cannot think of any circumstances or when ALL PRIVILEGES should be granted to anyone. It is simply unnecessary. Do the job correctly and find out the exact privileges needed for the job in hand and grant those. Granting all privileges is a security risk as it means the user having those privileges can do just about anything in your database.
Remember use least privilege principle at all times and grant what is needed. Do not grant everything just to get the job done quickly. Here is the example code!

 Connected to:
 Personal Oracle9i Release - Production
 With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
 JServer Release - Production
 SQL> sho user
 SQL> select * from system_privilege_map
   2  where name like '%PRIV%';
  PRIVILEGE NAME                                       PROPERTY
 ---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------
       -167 GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE                               0
       -244 GRANT ANY OBJECT PRIVILEGE                        0
 SQL> -- Create a new user with just create session (to log on) and grant 
 SQL> -- any privilege to, well grant all privileges.
 SQL> create user emil identified by emil;
 User created.
 SQL> grant create session, grant any privilege to emil;
 Grant succeeded.
 SQL> -- because we want to test this privilege create a second user to 
 SQL> -- test it with
 SQL> create user zulia identified by zulia;
 User created.
 SQL> -- connect as emil and grant all privileges to Zulia
 SQL> connect emil/emil@sans
 SQL> grant all privileges to zulia;
 Grant succeeded.
 SQL> -- connect as system and find out if it worked.
 SQL> connect system/manager@sans
 SQL> select count(*),grantee
   2  from dba_sys_privs
   3  where grantee in ('MDSYS','EMIL','ZULIA')
   4* group by grantee
 SQL> /
 ---------- ------------------------------
          2 EMIL
        139 MDSYS
        139 ZULIA
 We used MDSYS as a checkpoint as MDSYS has all privileges granted to it
 by default in a default installation of Oracle. The privilege you need
 therefore is GRANT ANY PRIVILEGE.       

Oracle Apps Stage R12 Installation

Stage (R12 Software):
Rapid Install installs the Java Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 automatically. Oracle Applications Software from Oracle eDelivery is already staged. If you have got the CDs, Stage them using 
$ perl /mnt/cdrom/Disk1/rapidwiz/

System Requirement:
Memory: 2 to 4 GB memory and swap always double of RAM.
Disk Requirement: 30 GB for staging Apps R12 software
161 GB for Vision install
200 GB total.
For fresh installation:
Middle Tier 40GB Data Base Tier – Prod 60GB
We are Installing R12 on Redhat Linux.
For installing Redhat see Step by Step linux installation on VMware with Screenshots
(Please Create 2 mount Points as per above requirement one is for Application tire and one for Database tire. On my Machine I have /oradata for database tier and /apps for Application tier)

Ensure the following RPMs are installed: 
(Or at the time of Redhat Linux Installation select all the Packages)

Set Kernel Parameters:
vi /etc/sysctl.conf and enter the following parameters.
# vi /etc/sysctl.conf
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 4294967295
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 256 32000 100 142
fs.file-max = 131072
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 10000 65000
kernel.msgmni = 2878
kernel.msgmax = 8192
kernel.msgmnb = 65535
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
net.core.wmem_max = 262144

After editing /etc/sysctl.conf file to configure your kernel settings.
use the "sysctl -p" command or restart the system to invoke the new settings
# sysctl -p

Increase user limits: Add the following to /etc/security/limits.conf:
# vi /etc/security/limits.conf
* hard nofile 65535
* soft nofile 4096
* hard nproc 16384
* soft nproc 2047

OS Users and group creation:
Add the group and users
# groupadd dba
# useradd oracle -g dba
# useradd applmgr -g dba
# passwd oracle (give the password for oracle)
# passwd applmgr (give the password for applmgr)

Give permissions to oracle and applmgr so that they can write to /oradata and /apps:
# chown -R oracle:dba /oradata
# chown -R applmgr:dba /apps
#  chmod -R 775 /oradata
#  chmod -R 775 /apps

Check that the /etc/hosts entries are as follows: localhost.localdomain localhost
<ip address> <hostname>.<domainname> aliasname

eg: My entries are as follows localhost.localdomain localhost oracle

Now all the prerequisites are done lets start the Installtion.
To start the installation go to
# cd /<path of stage>/startCD/Disk1/rapidwiz/
# ./rapidwiz
Note: Run above command from root user.

1: Click next

2: Click Next

3: Click Next

 4: This is Screen is Useful in Multi node Installation. In single node Just Click Next

5: This Screen is for Port number you can change it or you can go with the default.

5: Database Type: There are two options Fresh Database and Vision Demo (fresh database is fully configurable database used for implementation, where as Vision Demo database is a demonstration database having data of fake company called Vision Enterprises.) So select Fresh Database.
Database SID: its for database SID default is PROD  you can change it.
Host Name: It will automatically select your machines host name. 
Database OS User: Its for Database OS User we have oracle user.
Base directory: Select the Base directory we have created /oradata for database installation.
Click Next

6: Click Next

7: Click Next

8: Click Next

 9: Select IANA character set to UTF-8
Click Next

10: Applications Node Configuration: This is the screen where you configure Applications Node
Apps OS User: applmgr
Base Directory: /apps (for applications file)
Instance directory: /apps/inst
Click Next

11: This Screen for multi node installation where you can add additional node.
Click Next

12: System Check Status: This rapid install wizard checks the system eg: Memory, Disk space, permissions and ownership etc.

13: After checking the system if everything is correct you will see the following screen if not then you will see errors in Red. You can correct those errors and Retry.
Click Next

14: Click Next

15: Click Yes

16:  Wait For Installation to complete 5 steps

17: Click Next

18: Click Finish

Oracle Apps Stage 11i INSATALLATION

Ensure that /etc/hosts and /etc/oraInst.loc are set right:

[oracle@erp ~]$ cat /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail.       localhost.localdomain localhost erp
[oracle@erp ~]$ cat /etc/oraInst.loc 
[oracle@erp ~]$ 
Create OS User:
# groupadd oinstall -g 2000
# useradd -g oinstall -u 2000 oracle
# chown -R oracle:oinstall /oracle
Set Kernel Parameters:
[root@erp ~]#  tail /etc/sysctl.conf
# Oracle Recommendations for Apps  #
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 4294967295
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.sem = 256 32000 100 142
fs.file-max = 131072
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 10000 65000
kernel.msgmni = 2878
kernel.msgmax = 8192
kernel.msgmnb = 65535
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
net.core.wmem_max = 262144
# Oracle Recommendations for Apps  #

[root@erp ~]# sysctl -p
Increase user limits: Add the following to  /etc/security/limits.conf
  * hard nofile 65535
  * soft nofile 4096
  * hard nproc 16384
  * soft nproc 2047
Add the following to /etc/profile 
if [ $USER = "oracle" ]; then 
        if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then 
              ulimit -p 16384 
              ulimit -n 65536 
              ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536 
Ensure the following RPMs are installed:
[root@erp RPM_OEL4]# ls -ltr
total 8
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 5814 Feb  5  2011
[root@erp RPM_OEL4]# pwd
[root@erp RPM_OEL4]# unzip 
  inflating: compat-libcwait-2.1-1.i386.rpm  
  inflating: compat-oracle-rhel4-1.0-5.i386.rpm  
  inflating: README.txt              
[root@erp RPM_OEL4]# rpm -ivh compat-*
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:compat-oracle-rhel4    ########################################### [ 50%]
   2:compat-libcwait        ########################################### [100%]
[root@erp RPM_OEL4]# 


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What are the different AutoConfig scripts and what do they do

What are the different AutoConfig scripts and what do they do?

On the application tier:
On the database tier:
scripts/ <Context_name>
A wrapper script that calls adconfig.cmd. Instantiates template files with values specific to the instance (taken from the Applications Context). Updates configuration files and profile options.
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin/
A wrapper script that calls In earlier versions of AutoConfig used to call the Java API to start AutoConfig.
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
A wrapper script that calls the Java API to start AutoConfig.
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
Creates the Applications Context File. Before running this script, you need to source the environment.
On the application tier:
Source APPS<Context_name>.env (or APPSORA.env if APPS<Context_name>.env doesn’t exist).
On the database tier:
Source <Context_name>.env
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/bin
Generates a report that highlights differences between the original config files and AutoConfig-generated config files. The report is named cfgcheck.html. It is located under:
On the application tier:
On the database tier:
<RDBMS ORACLE_HOME>/appsutil/out/