Oracle Applications 11i Components, Configuration Files and Log Files


1) ComponentName : Apache
Configuration file path :

$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf - Main Configuration File
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd_pls.conf - pls (plsql) integration in web server
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/apps.conf - used to define aliases used in URL access
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/oracle_apache.conf - used to include other configuration files

Log file path : $APACHE_TOP/Apache/logs

Startup Script file path
$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/SID_HOST/ start

Shutdown Script file path
$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/SID_HOST/ stop

Process Identification method
ps -ef|grep - i <sid>|grep - i Apache
ps -ef|grep - i <sid>|grep - i httpd

netstat -a|grep <webport#>

Application Profile Names

Application Framework Agent / Applications Web Agent / Apps servlet Agent / JTF_BIS_OA_HTML / TCF:HOST

Troubleshooting tips

Check the log file error_log , access_log
Check for correct port# in httpd.conf & httpd_pls.conf
Check all config files in $APACHE_TOP/Apache/conf for any entries
pointing to source and replace with target
Parameters httpd.conf: Timeout
httpd.conf: KeepAliveTimeout
httpd.conf: SSLSessionCacheTimeout

2) Component Name : Concurrent Manager
Requires tnsnames.ora, listener.ora,
<HOSTNAME>_<SID>_ifile.ora (for PCP) in $TNS_ADMIN directory.

Also looks for tnsnames.ora in
$IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/network/admin/<SID>_<HOSTNAME> directory.

Log file path : $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG

Startup Script file path start apps/<passwd> in $SCRIPT_TOP

Shutdown Script file path stop apps/<passwd> in $SCRIPT_TOP

Process Identification method
ps -eaf | grep <apuser> | grep FND
ps -eaf | grep <apuser> | grep FNDLIBR = Standard and Internal Manager
(should spawn multiple FND processes)

ps -eaf | grep <apuser> | grep FNDSM = Service Manager
ps -eaf | grep <apuser> | grep FNDCRM = Conflict Resolution Manager

3) Component Name : Discoverer 4i
Configuration file path
#-------------Discoverer configuration files (details of ports and IP

#-------------Discoverer components registration files
#--------------Registered components detail
Log file path $ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/util/oad.log

Startup Script file path


Shutdown Script file path

Process Identification method

ps -ef|grep vbroker
netstat -a|grep 10508
netstat -a|grep 10552
$ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/oadutil list

Application Profile Names
ICX: Discoverer Launcher
ICX: Discoverer Viewer Launcher
ICX: Discoverer use Viewer
ICX: Discoverer Default End User Layer Schema Prefix

Troubleshooting tips
1.Check the Log files
2.Commonly issues are with the dbc file or tnsnames.ora

4) Component Name : FORMS
Configuration file path

1.$COMMON_TOP/html/bin/appsweb_SID_Hostname.cfg. = main configuration file for Forms Server

Check the configuration file name in SID.env file under APPL_TOP dir.

Log file path : Log files are under $COMMON_TOP/admin/log/SID_Hostname/

Startup Script file path
1.Start Forms Server Listener process
$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/SID_Hostname/ start.
2.Start Forms Metrics Client
$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/SID_Hostname/ start.
3.Start Forms Metrics Server
$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/SID_Hostname/ start.

Shutdown Script file path
1.Stop Forms Server Listener process
$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/SID_Hostname/ stop.
2.Stop Forms Metrics Client
$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/SID_Hostname/ stop.
3.Stop Forms Metrics Server
$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/SID_Hostname/ stop.

Process Identification method
ps -ef |grep f60 ,
ps -ef |grep f60srvm = Forms Server
ps -ef |grep f60webmx = Forms Runtime Client

Application Profile Names

1.ICX: Forms Launcher.
2.Forms Runtime Parameter.

Troubleshooti ngtips
1.Check whether FORMS60_MAPPING in $APPL_TOP/SID.env is set to correct URL or not.
2.Check whether serverPort,serverName and domainName are correctly set in
3.Configuration errors in $COMMON_TOP/html/bin/appsweb_SID_Hostname.cfg file.

5) Component Name : Reports Server

Configuration file path : $ORACLE_HOME/reports60_server
Log file path : $ORACLE_HOME/report60/server/REP60_<SID>.log

Startup Script file path
$SCRIPT_TOP/ start

Shutdown Script file path

Process Identification method
ps -ef |grep rwmts60

Application Profile Names
ICX: Report Launcher Troubleshooting tips

Check password in CGIcmd.dat (ORACLE_HOME/report60/server)
& Display variable in ORACLE_HOME/report60_server, DISPLAY
variable in Jserv/etc as well

6) Component Name : Jserv/Jsp
Name Configuration file path
$APACHE_TOP/Jserv/etc/jserv.conf = Used to configure the jvms = Used to set the properties of the oacore JVM
Log file path $APACHE_TOP/Jserv/logs & $APACHE_TOP/Jserv/logs/jvm

Startup Script file path (same script as Apache)
$SCRIPT_TOP/ start

Shutdown Script file path

Process Identification method
netstat -an | grep <port mentioned in oprocmgr.conf>

Application Profile Names
Apps Servlet Agent,Applications JSP Agent,OTS: JSP Details from OTS

Troubleshooting tips
Check <Apache Home Page URL>/servlets/Hello, Apache Log files , Jserv log files and
configuration files mentioned above.

7) Component Name : Workflow
Configuration file path
OAM for Java based Notification Mailer and in older version C based Notif Mailer $FND_TOP/resource/wfmail.cfg

Log file path $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG (ls -ltr FNDCP*.txt ie FNDCPGSC* and check for last 2 files)
Startup Script file path : Starts with OAM
Shutdown Script file path : Stops with OAM

Process Identification method
1. Checking sendmail : telnet <hostname> smtp or ps -ef | grep sendmail
2. Checking imap: telnet
<hostname> imap
3. Workflow starts with Concurrent Manager so needs to check
Concurrent Manager logs

Profile Names
Two tables needs to be checked for workflow :
1. wf_systems table: select name, display_name from wf_systems;
2. wf_agents table: select address from wf_agents;
3. OAM displays status information of Workflow Components from FND_SVC_COMPONENTS

Troubleshooting tips
Check the Log File
Check the 3 CM related Workflow processes
Check the Agent Status and Notif Mailer Properties
Test Sendmail and IMAP

Check WF related Requests shuold be scheduled